SIA has, as part of our plans to celebrate architecture and the profession since our inception 60 years ago, made a proposal to be the curators of Singapore's exhibition at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice. We are proud to announce that URA and DSG have commissioned SIA to represent Singapore at this most prestigious of world architecture events.

We would like to extend the invitation to all to contribute and participate. SIA's proposal is titled "WHEN IS ENOUGH, ENOUGH? The Performance of Measurement" and is focused on outcomes of our work that are intangible and hence, hard to measure; but important enough for us to feature and share with our community here and the rest of the world. Examples of intangibles like a sense of inclusion, a feeling of connection to each other, an attraction to the city, an attachment and a longing for the places around us - and even a sense of agency to make a difference and the freedom to be ourselves.

All who wish to participate should submit the following:

  1. A question about intangible outcomes that needs answering. This question should help the reader understand the context of your work on measuring outcomes of design or on specific intangible outcomes of your work.
  2. Diagrams, illustrations, graphs, drawings or photos showing evidence of design and the successful outcomes.
  3. Text content describing the work in terms of: (a) context; (b) innovation or specific aspect of work/design being featured; (c) outcome and/or lessons learnt; (d) conclusions for its replicability / scalability or its redefinition of the context or on its effect on types of architecture practice. It would be ideal if there was a key takeaway at the end of the text. It could be in the form of a follow-up question.

The exhibition opens on 20 May 2023 and the deadline for submissions is 28 March 2023. Featured work could be at the opening, during the exhibition or at related collaboration events in Singapore in 2024.

For enquiries regarding the Open Call, please email